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Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0065, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529927


RESUMO A ceratopigmentação teve seu primeiro registro pelo filósofo Galeno há muitos séculos como uma estratégia utilizada para o tratamento estético de pacientes com leucomas. As córneas com leucoma são patológicas e, muitas vezes, intolerantes a lentes de contato cosméticas ou próteses oculares, sendo comum a queixa de desconforto excessivo, proporcionado pela superfície corneana irregular. Assim, a ceratopigmentação é uma alternativa para a melhora estética de pacientes com opacidades corneanas. Descrevemos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 39 anos, que apresentou despigmentação precoce em caso de ceratopigmentação associado a quadro de ceratite herpética necrotizante. O paciente foi submetido ao tratamento com aciclovir 2g ao dia e doxiciclina 200mg ao dia, evoluindo com melhora do quadro clínico, apesar da má adesão medicamentosa.

ABSTRACT Keratopigmentation was first recorded many centuries ago by the philosopher Galeno, as a strategy used for the aesthetic treatment of patients with leukomas. Corneas with leucoma are pathological and often intolerant of cosmetic contact lenses or ocular prostheses, with complaints of excessive discomfort provided by the irregular corneal surface being common. Therefore, keratopigmentation is an alternative for the aesthetic improvement of patients with corneal opacities. We describe the case of a 39-year old male patient, who presented early depigmentation in a case of keratopigmentation associated with necrotizing herpetic keratitis. The patient was treated with Acyclovir 2g/day and Doxycycline 200mg/day, evolving with clinical improvement, despite poor medication adherence.

Humans , Male , Adult , Tattooing/methods , Corneal Neovascularization/etiology , Cornea/surgery , Corneal Opacity/surgery , Coloring Agents/adverse effects , Acyclovir/administration & dosage , Eye Injuries/complications , Cosmetic Techniques , Patient Satisfaction , Keratitis, Herpetic/drug therapy , Doxycycline/administration & dosage , Corneal Opacity/etiology , Esthetics
Acta med. costarric ; 64(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1419886


Los tatuajes representan una situación in vivo única en la que una gran cantidad de sales metálicas y tintes orgánicos permanecen en la piel durante toda la vida. Como resultado de un mayor número de tatuajes realizados, la incidencia de complicaciones cutáneas asociadas a los tatuajes ha aumentado también. En los últimos 30 años se ha evidenciado un aumento de reportes de tumores cutáneos en los tatuajes; sin embargo, muchos autores siguen considerándolo un evento fortuito. Los posibles efectos cancerígenos locales de los tatuajes siguen sin estar claros. Se cree que este efecto podría ser multifactorial y que combina traumatismo de la aguja, inflamación local crónica, factores externos como la exposición a los rayos ultravioleta (UV) y un posible efecto pro-cancerígeno de las tintas. Se necesitan estudios epidemiológicos y clínicos a gran escala para demostrar esta asociación. Se presenta un caso de un hombre de 40 años, conocido sano, quien 2 meses después de tatuarse el hombro derecho, desarrolla una lesión con características clínicas de un queratoacantoma y a quien se le realiza el diagnostico histológico de un carcinoma espinocelular bien diferenciado e invasor.

Tattoos represent a unique in vivo situation where many metallic salts and organic dyes remain on the skin for a lifetime. As a result of a greater number of tattoos performed, the incidence of skin complications associated with tattoos has increased. In addition, in the last 30 years, there has been an increment in reports of skin tumors within tattoos; however, many authors continue to consider it is a coincidental event. The possible local carcinogenic effects of tattoos remain unclear. It is believed that this effect could be multifactorial, combining needle trauma, chronic local inflammation, external factors such as an ultraviolet rays (UV) exposure and a possible pro-cancer effect of the inks. Large-scale epidemiological and clinical studies are needed to demonstrate this association. A case of a known healthy 40-year-old male is presented, in whom 2 months after a tattoo was performed on his right shoulder, he developed a lesion with clinical characteristics of a keratoacanthoma in which the histological diagnosis of a well differentiated and invasive squamous cell carcinoma was made.

Humans , Male , Adult , Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck/diagnosis , Keratoacanthoma/diagnostic imaging , Tattooing/adverse effects , Costa Rica , Dermatitis/diagnosis
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online) ; 68(3)Jul-Set. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1412036


Introdução: A micropigmentação dérmica comumente conhecida como tatuagem é uma técnica de reconstrução do complexo aréolo- -papilar desde 1986. Objetivo: Identificar na literatura científica evidências sobre a prática de micropigmentação dérmica à reconstrução do complexo aréolo-papilar em mulheres tratadas por câncer de mama. Método: Revisão integrativa com busca nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e LILACS. A partir dos critérios de elegibilidade, foram selecionados 14 artigos. A revisão foi relatada segundo os critérios do PRISMA e o nível de evidência classificado segundo o Centro para Medicina Baseada em Evidências de Oxford. Resultados: Na literatura consultada, 71,4% dos estudos são de nível quatro de evidência. Foram sintetizados os achados em quatro categorias: 1) micropigmentação dérmica como método de escolha; 2) período recomendado para realização da micropigmentação; 3) etapas da micropigmentação dérmica; 4) reações esperadas e adversas da micropigmentação. Conclusão: A micropigmentação dérmica é uma técnica que tem proporcionado benefícios psicossociais para as mulheres e oferece à paciente uma aréola com aspecto próximo ao natural, por meio de um procedimento seguro, rápido, raramente doloroso e com baixo risco de complicações, quando garantidas as medidas de biossegurança. As decisões no processo devem ser baseadas por evidências e tomadas em conjunto com as pacientes, respeitando desejos e informando riscos e benefícios

Introduction: Since 1986, dermal micropigmentation commonly known as tattooing has been a technique for reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex. Objective: To identify scientific evidence in the literature on the practice of dermal micropigmentation for reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex in women treated for breast cancer. Method: Integrative review upon search in the databases PubMed, SciELO and LILACS resulting in 14 articles selected according to the eligibility criteria. The review was reported according to PRISMA criteria, and the level of evidence classified according to the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine criteria. Results: 71.4% of the studies presented level four of evidence. The findings were synthesized in four categories: 1) dermal micropigmentation as the method of choice; 2) recommended period for micropigmentation; 3) steps of dermal micropigmentation; 4) expected and adverse reactions from micropigmentation. Conclusion: Dermal micropigmentation is a technique that has provided psychosocial benefits for women and offers the patient an areola with a natural appearance through a safe, fast, rarely painful procedure with low risk of complications, if biosafety measures are in place. Decisions in the process should be evidence-based and taken together with patients, respecting their wishes and sharing risks and benefits

Introducción: La micropigmentación dérmica comúnmente conocida como tatuaje ha sido una técnica para reconstruir el complejo areola-pezón desde 1986. Objetivo: Identificar evidencia en la literatura científica sobre la práctica de la micropigmentación dérmica para la reconstrucción del complejo areola-pezón en mujeres tratadas por cáncer de mama. Método: Revisión integrativa con búsqueda en bases de datos PubMed, SciELO y LILACS. Con base en los criterios de elegibilidad, se seleccionaron 14 artículos. La revisión se informó de acuerdo con los criterios PRISMA y el nivel de evidencia clasificado de acuerdo con el Centro de Medicina basada en la evidencia de Oxford. Resultados: En la literatura consultada, el 71,4% de los estudios tienen nivel de evidencia cuatro. Fueron sintetizados los hallazgos en cuatro categorías: 1) micropigmentación dérmica como método de elección; 2) período recomendado de micropigmentación; 3) pasos de micropigmentación dérmica; 4) reacciones adversas y esperadas por micropigmentación. Conclusión: La micropigmentación dérmica es una técnica que ha brindado beneficios psicosociales para la mujer y ofrece a la paciente una areola con apariencia natural, a través de un procedimiento seguro, rápido, rara vez doloroso y con bajo riesgo de complicaciones, cuando las medidas de bioseguridad están garantizadas. Las decisiones en el proceso deben basarse en pruebas y tomarse junto con los pacientes, respetando los deseos e informando los riesgos y beneficios

Humans , Tattooing , Breast Neoplasms , Women's Health , Evidence-Based Practice , Nipples
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0031, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376778


RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar, por meio de uma série de casos, a percepção de pacientes com opacidade corneana sobre a eficácia da tatuagem na melhoria estética de seus olhos, utilizando a combinação de duas técnicas. Métodos: Oito pacientes responderam a um inquérito sobre sua satisfação estética com o procedimento, o desconforto pós-operatório e o impacto social observado após a cirurgia. Resultados: Todos os pacientes consideraram-se muito satisfeitos com os resultados. Em relação ao grau de desconforto no pós-operatório, 75% disseram ter tido pouco desconforto, e 25% relataram desconforto moderado. Todos os pacientes relataram melhora significativa no bem-estar social e pessoal. Da mesma forma, todos os pacientes disseram que repetiriam o procedimento. Conclusão: A tatuagem corneana surge como um método alternativo às lentes de contato e às próteses oculares em pacientes cegos com leucomas, trazendo resultados estéticos satisfatórios, duradouros e que podem promover impactos sociais na vida desses pacientes.

ABSTRACT Objective: To report, through a case series, the perception of patients about the effectiveness of corneal tattooing in the cosmetic improvement of their eyes with leukomas, using a combination of two techniques. Methods: Eight patients answered a survey regarding their cosmetic appearance satisfaction regarding the procedure, postoperative discomfort, and social impact observed after surgery. Results: All patients considered themselves very satisfied with the cosmetic results. Regarding the degree of postoperative discomfort, 75% said they had little discomfort, while 25% reported moderate discomfort. All patients reported significant improvement in social and personal well-being. Likewise, all patients said they would repeat the procedure. Conclusion: Corneal tattooing appears as an alternative method to contact lenses and ocular prostheses in impaired eyes with leukomas, bringing satisfactory and long-lasting cosmetic improvement that can promote social impacts for these patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Tattooing/methods , Cornea/surgery , Corneal Opacity/surgery , Coloring Agents , Postoperative Period , Social Change , Tattooing/adverse effects , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cosmetic Techniques , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Esthetics
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 38(3): e00197521, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364631


Este ensaio explora as tatuagens e cicatrizes que se articulam às narrativas sobre viver e conviver com as condições de adoecimento crônico, raro e complexo. Entendemos essas marcas como expressões públicas de um testemunho daqueles afetados pela deficiência e fragilidade da vida, seja como experiência pessoal ou no papel de cuidadores. O corpo como testemunho e suporte performático é explorado na sua dimensão estética e política, na expressão de conteúdos simbólicos que ganham visibilidade na afirmação de identidades e pautas negligenciadas de um público que reivindica reconhecimento e valorização de suas vidas.

This essay explores the tattoos and scars that convey narratives on experiencing and living with chronic, rare, and complex illnesses. We view such marks as public expressions, when individuals bear witness to lives traversed by disability and frailty, whether as their own personal experience or in the role of caregivers. The body as witness and performative support is explored here in its aesthetic and political dimensions, in the expression of symbolic contents that gain visibility in the affirmation of neglected identities and agendas by persons who claim the recognition and valorization of their lives.

Este trabajo investiga los tatuajes y cicatrices que se relacionan con narraciones sobre vivir y convivir con enfermedades crónicas, raras y complejas. Entendemos estas marcas como expresiones públicas de un testigo por parte de quienes se ven atravesados por la deficiencia y fragilidad de la vida, sea como experiencia personal o en el papel de cuidadores. El cuerpo como testigo y soporte performativo es explorado en su dimensión estética y política, como expresión de contenidos simbólicos que ganan visibilidad en la afirmación de identidades y pautas olvidadas de forma negligente, por parte de un público que reivindica reconocimiento y la puesta en valor de sus vidas.

Humans , Tattooing , Disabled Persons , Brazil , Cicatrix
Iatreia ; 34(4): 335-346, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350833


RESUMEN El trauma punzante que genera un tatuaje altera la barrera física e inmunológica que proporciona la piel, con lo cual se favorece el ingreso de microorganismos patógenos y el riesgo de sufrir diferentes complicaciones infecciosas. Las condiciones en las que se realiza el tatuaje y el cumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad son determinantes en prevenir este riesgo, sin embargo, se trata de una práctica de difícil vigilancia y control debido al vacío normativo existente. El auge de los tatuajes permanentes en la sociedad contemporánea se acompaña de un incremento en la frecuencia de sus complicaciones, que suelen ser leves y autoresolutivas, pero también pueden causar graves secuelas y poner en riesgo la salud del paciente tatuado. En la presente revisión se incluyen los principales aspectos normativos y epidemiológicos de los tatuajes, así como las manifestaciones dermatológicas de las infecciones asociadas, su clasificación etiológica y su aproximación diagnóstica y terapéutica.

SUMMARY Puncturing the skin with a tattoo needle damages the immunological and physical barrier. This facilitates the entry of pathogenic microorganisms and the risk of suffering infectious complications. The circumstances around the procedure, sanitary conditions and biosecurity standards are determinants of this risk; however, it is a practice with surveillance and control challenges due to the existing regulatory gap. Because of the significant rise in decorative tattoos among contemporary society, there has been an increase in complications, some are mild and usually resolve on their own, but there are others that leave sequelae and put the health of tattooed patient at risk. This review article includes main local tattooing regulations and epidemiological aspects, as well as dermatological manifestations of infections, their etiological classification, diagnostic and therapeutic approach.

Humans , Skin , Tattooing , Infections
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 5(2): 199-202, abr.jun.2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398932


A prática de tatuagens é muito antiga e atualmente tornou-se extremamente popular, porém traz consigo riscos que não podem ser ignorados. As tintas utilizadas nas tatuagens são um fator importante para o aparecimento de reações adversas. A reação de hipersensibilidade aos pigmentos das tintas é uma das mais comuns. Entre elas, encontram-se reações alérgicas tipo dermatites de contato ou reações de fotossensibilidade, sendo esta última o motivo deste relato. O tratamento indicado é o uso de corticoides e a fotoproteção. Neste artigo, discorreremos especificamente sobre a reação de fotossensibilidade ao pigmento azul, com o relato de um caso e breve revisão da literatura.

Tattooing is a very old practice that has become extremely popular in recent years; however, it carries risks that cannot be ignored. The inks used in tattoos are an important factor for the appearance of adverse reactions. Hypersensitivity reactions to the pigments in the inks are some of the most common. These include allergic reactions such as contact dermatitis or photosensitivity reactions, the latter being the reason for this report. The recommended treatment is the use of corticosteroids and photoprotection. In this article, we will specifically discuss the photosensitivity reaction to the blue pigment with a case report and a brief literature review.

Humans , Male , Adult , Tattooing , Dermatitis, Photoallergic , Hypersensitivity , Therapeutics , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Coloring Agents , Histamine Antagonists , Ink
An. bras. dermatol ; 96(3): 355-357, May-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285067


Abstract Tattooing one's body is currently a common practice worldwide; however, it is not risk-free. This is a case of a patient who tattooed himself motivated by his passion for motorcycles and then developed an exuberant lichenoid reaction to the red pigment used in the tattoo, with the appearance of verrucous lesions. Despite the lack of response to treatment, he states that he would tattoo his own skin again.

Humans , Male , Tattooing/adverse effects , Lichenoid Eruptions/chemically induced , Skin , Motorcycles , Coloring Agents
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology ; : 43-47, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961856


Background@#As the number of patients getting tattooed is increasing, so is the number of patients seeking removal of tattoos. The primary objective of this study was to assess the reasons as to why patients got tattoos and also seek tattoo removal. The secondary objective was to study the demographics and the knowledge they had regarding tattoo removal.@*Methods@#A cross sectional study was done among 250 consecutive patients who attended the Dermatology centre seeking tattoo removal. A questionnaire was used to fill in the details.@*Results@#167 males and 83 females were included in the study. Majority of patients were in the age group of 21 to 30 years (43.8%) followed by 31-40 years (26.7%). 56.6% of patients had got tattoos in the third decade and 35.1% in the second decade. 52.6% of those seeking tattoo removal had got their tattoos from amateur artists, village fairs or roadside tattoo shops. 45.8% did not have a specific reason for getting a tattoo and were decorative tattoos. 34.7% had names of their beloved or family members. 29.5% were seeking removal for professional reasons and 23.1% due to changes in relationship status.@*Conclusion@#Patients seek tattoo removal mainly for professional reasons, changes in personal relationships when they have name tattoo and due to complications. Most of the patients were in the third decade of life. It is important to educate school going children ang youngsters regarding the permanent nature of tattoo and its complications.

Tattooing , Laser Therapy
Iatreia ; 33(4): 370-376, oct.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143089


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la sarcoidosis es una de las reacciones cutáneas asociadas con los tatuajes. Lo más frecuente es que se presente una afección sistémica; dentro de ésta, el compromiso por uveítis y las reacciones sarcoidales asociadas a los tatuajes han sido poco descritas. Caso clínico: hombre de 27 años con cuadro clínico de seis meses de evolución constituido por malestar general, fiebre subjetiva, escalofríos, mialgias, artralgias, tos con expectoración hemoptoica y edema en los miembros inferiores. Se encontró ojo izquierdo rojo, disminución de la agudeza visual y pápulas que infiltraban uno de los tatuajes que se había realizado seis meses antes en el brazo derecho y antebrazo izquierdo. Conclusión: la sarcoidosis asociada a los tatuajes es una condición que requiere de un alto índice de sospecha; donde la infiltración del tatuaje debe hacer pensar al clínico en el diagnóstico para realizar la búsqueda activa del daño orgánico visceral, mucho más en un paciente con uveítis que puede llevar a la ceguera. Aunque inusual, existe esta triple asociación: tatuaje, sarcoidosis sistémica y panuveítis.

SUMMARY Background: One of the cutaneous reactions associated with tattoos is sarcoidosis and the most frequent presentation is systemic involvement; within this, the manifestation of uveitis and sarcoidal reactions associated with tattoos is little described. Clinical case: A 27-year-old man with a clinical picture of six months of evolution consisting of general malaise, subjective fever, chills, myalgias, arthralgias, cough with hemoptysis, edema in lower limbs, and in whom red eye, diminution of visual acuity, and papules that infiltrated one of the tattoos that were placed, six months earlier, on the right arm and left forearm, were found. Conclusion: Sarcoidosis associated with tattooing is a disease that requires a high index of suspicion, where its infiltration should make the clinician suspect the disease and make an active search for systemic involvement, especially in a patient with a uveal compromise that can lead to blindness. It must keep in mind that, although rare, this triple association is possible (tattoo, systemic sarcoidosis, and panuveitis).

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Sarcoidosis , Tattooing , Visual Acuity , Panuveitis
Rev. argent. mastología ; 39(144): 62-77, sept. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1150864


Objetivo: Determinar la tasa de identificación intra operatoria por el médico cirujano de los ganglios marcados con suspensión de carbón activado previo a la neoadyuvancia. El objetivo secundario es determinar la concordancia entre los ganglios linfáticos marcados con carbón y aquellos considerados ganglios centinelas. Material y método: Es un estudio retrospectivo desde el año 2016 hasta el año 2020. Se incluyeron 27 pacientes con cáncer de mama en estadios T1 - T3 que realizaron quimioterapia neoadyuvante y con axila con estadio N1 y N2. Los ganglios axilares biopsiados con resultado positivo fueron marcados con suspensión de carbón activado, posteriormente las pacientes realizaron quimioterapia neoadyuvante. Se evaluó la tasa de detección y concordancia del ganglio marcado con el ganglio centinela durante el procedimiento quirúrgico. Resultados: Del total de pacientes en 20 casos se realizó efectivamente la identificación por inspección visual de la suspensión de carbón activado en la cavidad axilar durante la cirugía. La tasa de detección fue del 74%. Del total de 20 pacientes en los cuales se identificó carbón visualmente en el acto quirúrgico, 16 se sometieron a biopsia de ganglio centinela. En 81% de los casos hubo una coincidencia entre el ganglio marcado con carbón y el ganglio centinela. Conclusión: En nuestro trabajo la tasa de detección intraoperatoria de los ganglios marcados con carbón está en concordancia con lo publicado en la literatura. Esto catapulta a este método de marcación como una alternativa factible para realizar una disección axilar dirigida asegurándole al médico cirujano la resección de una ganglio positivo de inicio para su análisis anatomopatológico de respuesta. Hemos comprobado que la marcación con carbón no interfiere con la técnica estándar utilizada para la biopsia de ganglio centinela sino que su uso en conjunto mejora la técnica dignóstica.

Objetive: The aim of this study was to determine the rate of identification of activated charcoal suspension during surgery in positive lymph nodes before neadjuvant chemotherapy. The secondary objetive is to determine the rate of concordance between the marked lymph nodes and the sentinel lymph nodes. Material and method: A retrospective study that goes from the year 2016 - 2020. It includes 27 patients with breast cancer (T1 - T3) and positive lymph nodes (N1 - N2). Patients with biopsy - confirmed nodal metatases were marked with activated charcoal suspension in the sampled node. After this procedure patients underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and axillary surgery. The rate of detection and the concordance of the marked lymph node with the sentinel lymph nodes was calculated. Results: Of the 27 patients enrolled in this study in 20, the marked node was detected during surgery. The detection rate was of 74%. Of these 20 patientes, 16 had sentinel node biopsy. There was an 81% rate of concordance between the sentinel lymph node and the tattooed lymph node. Conclusions: In our study, the detection rate of marked lymph node is concordant with the numbers publised by other studies. This shows that axillary lymph node tattooing with activated charcoal suspension is a viable, low cost and precise method when performing targeted axillary dissection. We identified that the tattooing procedure does not affect the standard sentinel node biopsy, in fact, when used together it improves its diagnostic performance.

Humans , Female , Charcoal , Axilla , Tattooing , Biopsy , Breast Neoplasms , Dissection , Sentinel Lymph Node
An. bras. dermatol ; 95(3): 289-297, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1130878


Abstract Background: Tattooing is among identified risk factor for blood-borne diseases. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of tattooing during lifetime and in prisons and its related factors among Iranian prisoners. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. The required data was obtained from hepatitis B and C surveillance surveys in prisons in 2015-2016 that was collected through face-to-face interview. 12,800 prisoners were selected by multi-stage random sampling from 55 prisons of 19 provinces in Iran. Weighted prevalence and associated factors (using Chi-Square test and multivariate logistic regression) were determined by Stata/SE 14.0 survey package. Results: Out of 12,800 prisioners, 11,988 participated in the study (93.6% participation rate). The prevalence of tattooing in lifetime and in prisons was 44.7% and 31.1% respectively. The prevalence of tattooing during lifetime was significantly associated with age < 35 years, being single, illiteracy, history of imprisonment, drug use, piercing during lifetime, extramarital sex and history of STI; the prevalence of tattooing in prison had a significant association with history of imprisonment, drug use, piercing in prison, and history of extramarital sex (p < 0.05). Study limitations: Information and selection bias was one of the study limitations. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the prevalence of tattooing during lifetime and in prison among prisoners was significantly high especially in high-risk groups such as drug users and sexually active subjects. Given the role of tattooing, drug injection and sex in the transmission of blood-borne diseases, harm reduction programs are recommended to reduce these high-risk behaviors in prisons.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Prisoners/statistics & numerical data , Tattooing/statistics & numerical data , Risk-Taking , Socioeconomic Factors , Tattooing/adverse effects , Time Factors , Logistic Models , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Body Piercing/statistics & numerical data , Iran/epidemiology , Middle Aged
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 35(2): 181-185, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126306


Resumen Introducción: diversos estudios han buscado factores asociados con el contagio de hepatitis C. La realización de tatuajes ha ganado importancia. Los estudios en los que se ha vinculado el riesgo de hepatitis C con tatuajes no han controlado las condiciones en que se realizó ni medidas de bioseguridad, por lo cual es difícil establecer una relación causal. Objetivo: Evaluar la seroprevalencia de hepatitis C en pacientes adultos con tatuajes realizados en los últimos dos años en el departamento de Risaralda, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal en una muestra por conveniencia de 65 individuos, con uno o más tatuajes realizados entre 8 semanas a 2 años, sin otros factores de riesgo para hepatitis C, mediante una prueba rápida de anticuerpos por inmunocromatografía. Resultados: 57 de 86 sujetos cumplieron los criterios de selección. La prueba rápida de anticuerpos contra hepatitis C fue negativa en todos los participantes. La mayoría de los pacientes era de sexo femenino (59,6 %), con edad promedio de 25 años, 30 estudiantes universitarios, 46 provenientes de Pereira y 40 eran de estrato económico 3 o superior. 46 personas solo tuvieron una sesión de tatuaje. La mayoría tenía 2 a 3 tatuajes y 52 fueron realizados en establecimientos autorizados. 50 participantes refirieron que sus tatuadores cumplían las normas de bioseguridad. Conclusión: los tatuajes realizados bajo condiciones de bioseguridad en establecimientos autorizados y pocas sesiones parecen no aumentar el riesgo de infección por hepatitis C en personas sin otros factores de riesgo. Se requieren estudios adicionales para confirmar dicha hipótesis.

Abstract Introduction: In several studies of factors associated with the spread of hepatitis C, tattooing has gained importance. Studies that link tattooing with a risk of hepatitis C have not controlled for conditions under which it was done nor considered biosecurity measures. This makes it difficult to establish a causal relationship. Objective: This study assessed the seroprevalence of hepatitis C in adult patients who were tattooed within the last two years in the department of Risaralda, Colombia. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of a convenience sample of 65 individuals with one or more tattoos that had been done 8 weeks to 2 years prior to the study and who had no other risk factors for hepatitis C. A rapid antibody immunochromatography test was used. Results: Out of 86 subjects, 57 met the selection criteria. The rapid hepatitis C antibody test was negative for all participants. Most were women (59.6%), their average age was 25 years, 30 were university students, 46 came from Pereira, and 40 were from economic stratum 3 or higher. Forty-six had had only one tattoo session. Most had two to three tattoos. Fifty-two had been done in authorized establishments. Fifty participants reported that their tattoo artists met biosafety standards. Conclusion: Tattoos made under biosafety conditions in authorized establishments do not seem to increase the risk of hepatitis C infections in people without other risk factors, especially when there have only been a few sessions. Additional studies are required to confirm this hypothesis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Patients , Tattooing , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hepatitis C , Antibodies , Risk
Salud bienestar colect ; 4(2): 53-65, may.-ago. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254508


INTRODUCCIÓN: para hablar de personalidad se toma en cuenta un conjunto de respuestas específicas y permanentes en diferentes tipos de contextos que resultan del aprendizaje influenciados por la inteligencia emocional frente a la adversidad, cuando no se puede superar los conflictos o perdidas, ciertas personas buscan perennizar esos eventos en su piel, a través de grabaciones. OBJETIVO: determinar la prevalencia de personas que usan tatuajes, determinar el tipo de personalidad del usuario de tatuajes y piercings, analizar los factores causales y las vivencias relacionadas con su uso, métodos, se utiliza una técnica bibliográfica, de corte transversal, descriptiva, retrospectiva, esta investigación es parte de un proyecto general realizado en Ecuador, este resultado se usará como base bibliográfica. RESULTADOS: las personas que usan tatuajes se ubican en un 75%, de la población total, la según los datos encontrados, existe una tendencia al uso de tatuajes en personas con rasgos de personalidad dependiente, seguidas de conductas limites o borde line, en un 47 % usan tatuajes por modismo. CONCLUSIONES: se determinar el tipo de personalidad de los usuarios porque existen falencias en su comportamiento y en la capacidad de enfrentar los diferentes conflictos emocionales, la mayor incidencia se da en la adolescencia, se determina como causa la moda, pérdidas afectivas no superadas, inseguridad e inestabilidad, baja capacidad de resiliencia; el uso de accesorios para compensar estas falencias en la estructura mental, buscan una manera de reconocimiento personal y social hasta convertirse en necesidad.

INTRODUCTION: to talk about personality, a set of specific and permanent responses is taken into account in different types of contexts that resultfrom learning influenced by emotional intelligence in the face of adversity, when conflicts or losses cannot be overcome, certain people seek to perpetuate those events on your skin, through recordings. OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of people whouse tattoos, to determine the type of personality of the user of tattoos and piercings, to analyze the causal factors and the experiences related to their use, methods, a bibliographic technique is used, cross-sectional, descriptive, retrospective, this Research is part of a general project carried out in Ecuador. This result will be used as a bibliographic basis. RESULTS: people who use tattoos are located in 75% of the total population, according to the data found, there is a tendency to use tattoos in people with dependent personality traits, followed by borderline or borderline behaviors, 47% use tattoos by idiom. CONCLUSIONS: the type of personality of the users is determined because there are flaws in their behavior and in the ability to face different emotional conflicts, the highest incidence occurs in adolescence, fashion is determined as cause, emotional losses not exceeded, insecurity and instability, low resilience; The use of accessories to compensate for these shortcomings in the mental structure and their lack of resilience, seek a way of personal and social recognition until it becomes necessary.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Tattooing/psychology , Body Piercing/psychology , Personality/physiology , Attitude , Cross-Sectional Studies , Ecuador , Emotions
Memorandum ; 37: 1-23, 20200401.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103104


Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar vivências e significados de tatuagens a partir de narrativas de sujeitos adultos e idosos, com base em uma abordagem interdisciplinar. Questionamos: do culto ao corpo jovem, da exigência do labor do corpo adulto e da hipervigilância do corpo envelhecido, qual a significação do corpo tatuado em idades tão díspares? Realizamos uma descrição das narrativas de adultos e idosos com corpos tatuados a partir de um desenho de pesquisa qualitativa. Participaram da pesquisa 15 adultos com idades entre 22 e 67 anos em duas capitais brasileiras, Salvador e São Paulo. Entre as ideias conclusivas estão, de um lado, a tatuagem como metamorfose, liberdade e afirmação de si e, de outro, significações que ressaltam atatuagem como desejo de memória em completude, uma forma de fazer do corpo lugar de arquivo ou o próprio corpo como arquivo de memória completa.

This paper aims to present experiences and meanings of tattoos, from narratives of adult and elderly subjects, based on an interdisciplinary approach. We question: the cult of the young body, the demand of the labor of the adult body, and the hyper vigilance of the aged body, what is the meaning of the tattooed body in such disparate ages? We describe the narratives of adults and the elderly with tattooed bodies from a qualitative research design. Fifteen adults aged between 22 and 67 years participated in the research in two Brazilian capitals,Salvador and São Paulo. Among the concluding ideas are, on the one hand, the tattoo as a metamorphosis, freedom and affirmation of self and, on the other hand, meanings that emphasize the tattoo as a desire for memory in completeness, a way of making the body a place of archives, or the body itself as a full memory file.

Tattooing , Physical Appearance, Body , History
Psico USF ; 25(1): 51-62, jan.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in English | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135711


This study aimed at identifying motivations, risk behavior and social practices, comparing tattooed and non-tattooed women. 316 women (50% tattooed) were surveyed online, answering questions on sociodemographic data, social practices, motivations, and risk behavior. Data collection strategies included snow-balling, social networks, personal contact, and visits to tattoo parlors. The main results indicate that the majority of women express satisfaction with their physical appearance after getting tattooed, and wouldn't get the tattoo removed. Being tattooed correlated with risk behaviors such as casual sex with unknown people, alcohol and drug use, and psychopathology. The sample presented more similarities than differences between tattooed and non-tattooed groups, suggesting that growing popularization and social acceptance of tattooing has led to a decrease of the differences between the groups. Such results may inform future research and the production of informative materials aimed at demystifying negative stereotypes associated to tattoos. (AU)

O objetivo foi identificar as motivações, práticas sociais e comportamento de risco de mulheres tatuadas e não tatuadas. Participaram 316, divididas igualmente entre as categorias. As estratégias de acesso aos participantes foram variadas: técnica de snowball, redes sociais, contato pessoal e idas a estúdios de tatuagem. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de um survey on-line, composto por: questões sociodemográficas, práticas sociais, motivações e comportamento de risco. Os principais resultados indicam que a maioria das mulheres apresenta satisfação com sua aparência após realizarem tatuagem e não as removeriam. Houve associação entre ter tatuagem e comportamento sexual de risco, prática sexual com desconhecidos, álcool e outras drogas e psicopatologia. A amostra apresentou mais semelhanças do que diferenças, sugerindo que a popularização e aceitação social da tatuagem têm refletido na diminuição das diferenças entre tatuados e não tatuados. Tais resultados podem permitir a construção de informativos que contribuam na desmistificação de estereótipos negativos frente à tatuagem. (AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar motivaciones, comportamiento de riesgo y prácticas sociales, entre mujeres con tatuajes y sin tatuajes. Participaron 316 mujeres 50% tatuadas y 50 % no tatuadas. Las estrategias de acceso a los participantes fueron variadas: técnica de snowball-bola de nieve), redes sociales, contacto personal e idas a estudios de tatuaje. La recolección de datos ocurrió a través de un levantamiento online compuesto por preguntas sobre datos sociodemográficos, prácticas sociales, motivaciones y comportamiento de riesgo. Los principales resultados indican que la mayoría de las mujeres expresan satisfacción con su apariencia física después de tatuarse y no se quitarían el tatuaje. Hubo asociación entre tener tatuaje y comportamiento sexual de riesgo, práctica sexual con desconocidos, alcohol y otras drogas y psicopatología. La muestra presenta más semejanzas que diferencias entre los dos grupos, sugiriendo que la popularidad y aceptación social del tatuaje han llevado a la disminución de las diferencias entre los dos grupos. Los resultados pueden permitir la construcción de materiales informativos que contribuyan para la desmitificación de estereotipos negativos frente al tatuaje. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Personal Satisfaction , Risk-Taking , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Social Behavior , Social Desirability , Tattooing/psychology , Physical Appearance, Body , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
An. bras. dermatol ; 95(1): 78-81, Jan.-Feb. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088729


Abstract The number of individuals with tattoos has been increasing worldwide, alongside with reports of complications varying from reactions to the injected pigments to infections caused by agents inoculated in the pigmentation process. The diagnosis of such unwanted events can be obtained through complementary non-invasive methods, preserving the maximum of the tattoo design. The authors present two cases of patients with warts on tattooing, and correlate their clinical aspects to in vivo and ex vivo dermoscopy, and to the findings in the histopathological examination, aiming to determine patterns that aid the diagnosis of these lesions without performing biopsy.

Humans , Male , Adult , Tattooing/adverse effects , Warts/pathology , Warts/diagnostic imaging , Papillomavirus Infections/pathology , Papillomavirus Infections/diagnostic imaging , Biopsy , Warts/virology , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Dermoscopy/methods , Coloring Agents/adverse effects , Epidermis/pathology , Epidermis/virology
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 35(35): 47-49, 2020. ilus
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1265764


Le tatouage gingival est une pratique traditionnelle consistant à une pigmentation artificielle de la gencive rose en noire-grise.L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence et le niveau de perception du tatouage gingival chez les femmes venues en consultation dans le service d'odontologie de l'Infirmerie Hôpital de Bamako (Mali).Méthodologie:Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, descriptive d'une durée de 3 mois allant du 01 janvier au 31 mars 2018. La collecte des données a été faite sur la base d'une fiche d'enquête élaborée à cet effet en fonction des objectifs de l'étude. Les variables étudiées sont les données épidémiologiques et culturelles. Les données ont été traitées par le logiciel épi-info version 3.5.3.Résultats:Dans cette étude, la prévalence du tatouage gingival était de69,43%.La tranche d'âge la plus représentée était celle de 26-35 ans, suivie de cellede 46­55 ans. La localisation au maxillaire seul représentait 90,16% suivi de la localization maxillaire et mandibulaire dans 06,33%.Les peulhs représentaient 39,58% suiviedes Sarakolés dans 32,55%.Selon cette étude, 65, 11% pensaient que le tatouage gingival est jolie (bon).Conclusion:En plus du côté esthétique créé par le contraste des effets de la couleur grise-noire de la gencive avec le blanc-laiteux des dents, le tatouage gingival est souvent utilisé dans le traitement traditionnel des parodontopathies

Culture , Epidemiology , Gingiva , Mali , Tattooing
Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology ; : 41-47, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886267


@#OBJECTIVE: To compare the presence and severity of meibomian gland (MG) dysfunction among eyes of female subjects with and without eyelid margin tattoos using infrared meibography and colored photographs. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study that involved 38 Filipino females with and without eyelid margin tattoos. Infrared meibography was performed on the upper and lower eyelids of each eye to assess total or partial MG dropout. Colored photographs were taken to evaluate vascularity, irregularity, thickening of the lid margins, and plugging of MG orifices. Severity of MG dysfunction (MGD) was assessed using Arita’s MGD proposed grading scale. Independent t-test was used to compare MG dropout and other lid margin parameters between the two groups. Prevalence ratio and prevalence odds ratio were calculated to measure the likelihood of MGD among eyes with eyelid tattoos. RESULTS: Seventy-four (74) eyes were included in the study (36 in the tattoo group and 38 in the control group). Scores for abnormal vascularity, irregularity, and thickening of the lid margins were significantly higher in the tattoo group compared to the control group (p<0.0000001). However, plugging of gland orifices scores between the two groups were found to be similar (upper eyelid: p=0.65; lower eyelid: p=0.91). Total MG dropout was significantly greater in the tattoo group (upper eyelid: -1.11 ± 0.82; lower eyelid: 1.37 ± 0.75) compared to the control group (upper eyelid: 0.53 ± 0.83; lower eyelid: 0.45 ± 0.76) (upper eyelid: p=0.003; lower eyelid: p=0.000001) for the upper and lower eyelid, respectively). Analysis of total MG dropout between the two groups showed a prevalence ratio of 2.13. CONCLUSION: Eyelid margin tattoos are associated with several eyelid margin abnormalities and increase the risk of meibomian gland droupout.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction , Tattooing , Margins of Excision
Fisioter. Bras ; 20(3): 442-447, Junho 11, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281363


As estrias são atrofias cutâneas lineares derivadas de um processo cicatricial. Elas se formam quando a tensão do tecido provoca uma lesão do conectivo dérmico, ocasionando uma dilaceração das malhas, gerando a perda da elasticidade e da compactação. A micropigmentação, também conhecida como dermopigmentação, dermografia, dermatografia ou tatuagem é uma técnica que consiste em um procedimento minimamente invasivo, utilizado para implantar pigmento na camada subepidérmica, para corrigir pequenas anormalidades ou para fins estéticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficácia da camuflagem de cicatrizes de estrias por meio da micropigmentação. Após aplicação da sessão de micropigmentação foi verificado melhora da aparência das estrias na voluntária que seguiu corretamente as orientações. (AU)

Striae are linear cutaneous atrophies derived from a cicatricial process, they are formed when the tissue tension causes a lesion of the dermal connective, causing a tear of the meshes, generating the loss of elasticity and compression causing an injury. Micropigmentation, or also known as dermopigmentation, dermography, dermatography, or tattooing is a technique that consists of a minimally invasive procedure, used to implant pigment in the subepidermal layer, to correct small abnormalities or for aesthetic purposes. The objective of this case study was to verify the efficacy of the camouflage of scars by micropigmentation. After application of the micropigmentation session, it was verified an improvement in the appearance of the striae in the volunteer who followed the guidelines correctly. (AU)

Humans , Female , Skin Pigmentation , Striae Distensae , Skin , Tattooing , Efficacy , Cicatrix